In 2017, through an unexpected and somewhat circuitous series of events, I was inspired to dive back into studying Japanese. As part of my studying process, I started writing one kanji per day in my Hobonichi Techo daily planner, and a few associated words, like a daily flash card. This method worked super well, but I decided I'd rather leave my planner for planning, and migrate this somewhere I would have more room. This little weekly planner (also from Hobonichi) was the perfect solution - pocket sized, vertical, laid out in a grid, room for notes. I had my friend make me a little program that would randomly generate one kanji per day from the JLPT level lists (this year mostly encompasses N3!).

I write each one (practicing proper proportion and stroke order, of course!) in brush pen, fountain pen, and ballpoint in three different sizes, and then go through the "Words containing [kanji]" list on to get a sense of the readings in context. And unlike a whole lot of other things I've told myself I'd practice daily, this one stuck. I wrote a kanji and learned some vocabulary for each day of 2018, and so far I'm going strong in 2019 too!

Check out the video flip through of my full year of kanji below: